"Pretty funny a year later"
Matteo Berrettini and Ajla Tomljanovic are the main focus of Episode 2 of Netflix's 'Break Point' docuseries, and it is safe to say that the episode has become a hit among tennis fans on social media. However, not all the reactions towards Berrettini in the wake of the episode have been positive.
Berrettini and Tomljanovic were together at the time of filming and shared the same room, but the duo have broken up since. Taking place during the 2022 Australian Open, one of the scenes shows Matteo Berrettini insisting that Tomljanovic attend a call she had the following morning outside the room, so that he could get a good night's sleep in.
While the World No. 14 was still in the tournament at the time, Tomljanovic had exited already and was due to make an appearance on Tennis Channel for 10 minutes the next day. Despite Tomljanovic repeatedly telling him that she wouldn't make too much noise, the 26-year-old would not have it and told her to consult the hotel manager and take the call from the "business center" on site.
While Tomljanovic herself did not take the comment too harshly, tennis fans saw things differently, calling out the Italian for being too self-centered. The term "business center" has gained a sort of meme status since then, with many bringing it up again to make fun of Berrettini during his recent loss against Andy Murray at the 2023 Australian Open.
Meanwhile, another group of fans has been curious to find out if Tomljanovic really went to the business center to attend the meeting. As it turns out, that wasn't the case; one clever fan on Twitter managed to retrace the passage of events to pinpoint her location on the concerned day.
The 29-year-old did not speak to Tennis Channel from the business center, but from "the bushes" near the hotel - according to the assembled evidence at least.
Naturally, the tweet went viral, so much so that Tomljanovic herself spotted it. The Australian sees the funny side of things a year later, remarking that there was nothing sad about the incident in her mind now.
"The fact that you found this! No need for a sad face, it’s pretty funny a year later," Tomljanovic tweeted.Matteo Berrettini has embraced the single life since breaking up with Ajla Tomljanovic
Matteo Berrettini has embraced the single life since breaking up with Ajla Tomljanovic, stating in a recent interview that he wasn't waking up every day planning to "find love" once again. While the Italian wasn't actively planning on staying that way, he wanted to make use of that time by spending it with his family and enjoying a "different" kind of life.
"Yeah, I'm single but it's not like something that I am looking for, like, it's not that I'm waking up and have to find love. It's just something that is happening, it's good for me, if it doesn't, it's another day, you know," Matteo Berrettini said. "But, yeah, overall, I'm spending more time with my team, I spent a lot of time with my family when I was injured, and I enjoyed a different kind of life a little bit."Quick Links
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