
Alexis Llewellyn: dating, net worth, tattoos, smoking & body measurements

On 17-5-1996 Alexis Llewellyn was born in Burnaby, Canada. She made her 0.2 million dollar fortune with The Chronicles of Riddick, Things We Lost in the Fire & Edison. The actress is currently single, her starsign is Taurus and she is now 26 years of age.

Alexis Llewellyn Facts & Wiki

Where does Alexis Llewellyn live? And how much money does Alexis Llewellyn earn?

Birth Date17-5-1996
Religion – believes in God?
ResidenceShe lives in an unknown fashion in Vancouver, Canada.

Alexis Llewellyn Net Worth, Salary, Cars & Houses

Estimated Net Worth0.2 million
Yearly SalaryN/A
ColleaguesGregg Champion & Ron Oliver


    Currently no houses listed.


    Currently no cars listed.

Alexis Llewellyn: Single, Dating, Family & Friends

Who is Alexis Llewellyn dating in 2023?

Relationship statusSingle
PartnerCurrently in no confirmed relationship
Ex-boyfriends or ex-husbands
Expecting a baby?She is not pregnant
Has any kids?No

Shall the Canadian actress Alexis Llewellyn find love in 2023?

Height, Weight, Body Measurements, Tattoos, Skin, Hair & Eye Color

This talented actress originating from Burnaby, Canada has a slim body & long face type.
Hair colorRegular brown
Eye ColorDark Brown
Height55 cm
Weight168 kilo
Feet sizeN/A
Does Alexis Llewellyn smoke?
Does Alexis Llewellyn have a tattoo?No

Does Alexis Llewellyn have official Social Media profiles?


Aldo Pusey

Update: 2024-07-07